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Contract Management by Right-Sourcing


Learn more about Contract Management by Right-Sourcing and how it could benefit you.

About the Whitepaper

The Johnson Hana contract management by Right-Sourcing whitepaper explores the concept of Right-Sourcing as a strategic approach to managing legal costs and enhancing efficiency in contract management.

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Key learnings & takeaways

Right-Sourcing is a strategic decision to partner with external service providers to handle specific tasks or projects, rather than solely relying on in-house resources, considering factors such as expertise, cost effectiveness, and alignment with business goals.

For many in-house legal teams, managing their commercial contracts processes is a laborious, unrewarding task, which leaves little room for the higher-value, strategic advisory work they would rather do. Right-Sourcing differs from outsourcing in that the organisation maintains control over the process while utilising external expertise with an overarching focus on finding the optimal blend of in-house and external resources.

The Johnson Hana contract management by Right-Sourcing whitepaper explores the concept of Right-Sourcing as a strategic approach to managing legal costs and enhancing efficiency in contract management.

Download now to read about the Johnson Hana approach to contract management and how it could benefit you.

VP Marketing & People Ops

Caroline Kelly

Formerly of Teneo where she was Managing Director for Digital, Caroline is an award-winning brand leader and authority on the marketing ecosystem defining business today. Caroline also leads the People Ops function having led large, high performing teams in the past.

About the Authors

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Contract Management by Right-Sourcing

Learn more about Contract Management by Right-Sourcing and how it could benefit you.

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