Our Services

Mergers & Acquisitions

Large-scale due diligence, integration support, contract review, template documentation, and engagement with counterparties.

By its nature, M&A is unpredictable, demanding and resource heavy. Legal and finance teams can struggle to manage transaction costs – often ending up spending huge sums on largely administrative work in document review which doesn’t seem to result in any real long term value for the organisation.

We provide support on both the buy and sell side workstreams, working collaboratively with inhouse deal teams, outside counsel, and investment bankers to deliver real value in process heavy elements of M&A transactions. 

In advance of transactions, we support large scale due diligence exercises, using technology to review large volumes of documents, overseen by experienced legal professionals with agreed approval workflows for high-risk issues. This technology focused, holistic approach to due diligence can generate real long-term value for the organisation.

When delivered with a long-term focus at the core of the project, the output of data collection and review during the due diligence process can be digital, searchable database of the target’s contractual terms. 

In this form, post-acquisition, contracting processes can benefit greatly when it comes to renegotiations and license expirations without having to re-review the underlying documents. 

PostTransaction, Johnson Hana can provide integration support including contract review and rationalisation strategies, production of notices and other template documentation, engagement with counterparties and harmonisation / integration of contract templates, playbooks and other contract operations.

Sample Buy-Side Due Diligence Process

Sample Buy-Side Due Diligence Process

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Contracts Integration Plan
Johnson Hana
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Review & Refine Guidelines
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Quality Assurance
Prepare Due Diligence Report
Analyse & Report
Contracts Integration Plan

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